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03-13 published on No Comments on 03-13

It is still Thursday, right?

Well, at least he put out his cig and didn’t throw a fuss about it, I guess. Also, do you see how weirdly huge Kurtis is?? :’D he’s a wee bit exaggerated, hopefully as time goes on I’ll get his proportions right.

OH, also Kurtis has been added to the cast page.


03-12 published on No Comments on 03-12


At this point I might as well change my little update sign to “Maybe Thursdays?” lol – I’ve just been incredibly busy. I accepted 2 extra shifts at work this week and actually yesterday was my only day off, you know what I did??? I SLEPT THE ENTIRE DAY lol – I was super exhausted. But I have been thinking about changing the update days to Fridays anyway, we’ll see.

Thank you for the continuous support!!


03-11 published on No Comments on 03-11

Well, that’s some interesting amount of information you’ve gathered so far.

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all having an amazing time! I’ve been in a really bad state mentally and have neglected my updating duties lol T-T but we’re still updating! Hope you have an amazing day and I’ll see you next update 🙂

If you’re also enjoying my comic, consider becoming a patron and get access to 2 pages ahead of time as well as behind the scenes and more!
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03-10 published on No Comments on 03-10

Oooooo we are getting to the juicy bits!!! We’re now currently in the present timeline, so no back and forth for now.
I’ve been so excited for us to reach this part!! AHHHH!!

Anyway, I hope you’re all having a lovely week so far! I’ve been horribly busy and stressing because I’ve been trying to go back to school but because my dumbass hopped on the whole credit thing a little too late in life (like I got my first ever credit card earlier this month) I don’t have a credit score and so far a student loan has been denied and the only person in my life who can cosign one, can’t because their credit is only “fair” and not “good” – and unfortunately it seems my school is not supported by a lot of a lot of places that offer student loans??? Anyway – it means that I might have to do a different program with the school where I apparently have to pay $500 per month + interest and I’m just UGHHH – but I really want this. So might as well, right?

If you’re also enjoying my comic, consider becoming a patron and get access to 2 pages ahead of time as well as behind the scenes and more!
But if you can’t become a patron, that’s fine! Feel free to vote for SCORNED and boost the comic to reach a wider audience!


03-09 published on No Comments on 03-09

Man, I loved making Evina do the air quotes with “nice guy” – it’s kind of a subject that always pissed me off. Normally when people claim to be nice, they’re really not. OR they are until they don’t get what they want. A truly nice person doesn’t let no’s or disagreements change their colors. Can they get upset? Absolutely. Can you end up fighting with a nice person? Of course. But at the end of the day the nice person had no ill intentions or were deceiving the other person but… “nice” people are nice if it benefits them or if they have an end goal in mind.
ALSO real nice people don’t talk about how nice they are. They *are* just nice. And that’s it.

I’ve had a crazy week so I kind of forgot to update last night. But I hope you’re all doing good and thank you again for checking out my comiccccccc!!

If you’re also enjoying my comic, consider becoming a patron and get access to 2 pages ahead of time as well as behind the scenes and more!
But if you can’t become a patron, that’s fine! Feel free to vote for SCORNED and boost the comic to reach a wider audience!


03-08 published on No Comments on 03-08

I like to think Thomas is just nit-picking everything about Kurtis. But understandably so. I mean, who would want their teenage daughter to date another teenager who drinks/smokes? Not a lot of people. But as Daisy said, Annie has been a good influence on Kurtis 🙂 also sorry for the delay in the update! Yesterday was my 5 year anniversary with my honey-bunny so we were away for a bit! I had my $100 starting price for full body comms end this week, currently two spots are on hold but I’ll let you guys know next week if anything changes. There will be a new sale next week, however! And since I only update Thursdays, I’ll let my readers know ahead of time that the sale will be half-off portraits! So instead of a $60 portrait it will be a starting price of $30! I’ll only have five slots so, keep an eye out for my twitter post!

If you’re also enjoying my comic, consider becoming a patron and get access to 2 pages ahead of time as well as behind the scenes and more!
But if you can’t become a patron, that’s fine! Feel free to vote for SCORNED and boost the comic to reach a wider audience!


03-07 published on No Comments on 03-07

I’ve been nose deep in commissions that I almost forgot to post this page! Anyway, you can tell that Daddy Beaumont is not taking this whole thing lightly, but he’s also not being a massive butthead either, I think. He’s just protective of his daughter, but Mommy Beaumont is way more chill about this whole situation. These two parents are totally opposites from each other, Thomas believes in waiting for marriage, doing the right thing, etc, Daisy believes in doing everything you can while young and making mistakes and learning from them…. or “doing” mistakes hehehehehehe

anyway, I’m currently holding a sale on my full body commissions! Instead of a starting price of $120 it’s $100! I have 2 out of 5 slots available! If you’re interested feel free to look at my google doc!

If you’re also enjoying my comic, consider becoming a patron and get access to 2 pages ahead of time as well as behind the scenes and more!
But if you can’t become a patron, that’s fine! Feel free to vote for SCORNED and boost the comic to reach a wider audience!


03-06 published on No Comments on 03-06

Oooh yeah, probably a very good reason to ask that question. Never know if Annie could have been the target of a serial killer or.. something else. It’s good to fill out any details early and find out what happened.

Also, I HATE these speech bubbles, they get much better as chapter 3 goes on but gee, what was I thinking allowing this???
Another page tossed into the “edit-for-print” pile!

Ughhh I can’t wait until this chapter gets juicier!!

If you’re also enjoying my comic, consider becoming a patron and get access to 2 pages ahead of time as well as behind the scenes and more!
But if you can’t become a patron, that’s fine! Feel free to vote for SCORNED and boost the comic to reach a wider audience!


03-05 published on No Comments on 03-05

Ladies and Gentlemen, Evina Black, here to tear families apart. :’D lmao

Truthfully, Evina wouldn’t just ask this for no reason, it’s probably important to her.
Daddy Beaumont so confident that his daughter wasn’t sinning, but nope, she saw that big shiny apple that is Kurtis and took more than a bite apparently.
But I adooooooore Daisy’s face as she’s trying to avoid her husband lmao like “NOPE I don’t know anything, do not look at meeee”

Also last page there was a comment about making things more clear for the dates/time passage, there’s no room for editing in chapter 3, but it is something I could go back for, for printing or future chapters, I was curious if anyone would be interested in a more specific time stamp during each scene change??
Such as the first page I pointed it out it was Orange, Texas, but I could probably do something like “Orange, Texas – (insert date)” or “Orange, Texas – one week after Annie’s turning” whichever one is more fitting/probably based off of each scenario. Just an example.
I try to avoid being specific with dates because I feel like it could leave me no wiggle room if I decide to edit or change something minor in the story.
Buuuut let me know your thoughts! I’m still trying to figure out my writing as I go and I would love to make things like time passage more clear for you!! 🙂

ALSO I COMPLETELY FINISHED CHAPTER 3!! I basically have until September to get chapter 4 started which I already have. But if everything goes SUPER AMAZING then during chapter 4 we might see the occasional double update! YAY

If you’re also enjoying my comic, consider becoming a patron and get access to 2 pages ahead of time as well as behind the scenes and more!
But if you can’t become a patron, that’s fine! Feel free to vote for SCORNED and boost the comic to reach a wider audience!



03-04 published on No Comments on 03-04

I think it’s a little concerning when you’re more worried about being embarrassed than you are about your friend missing.
Also, that is quite a shiner! I tried really hard with making Timothy’s eye look messed up, but uhhh – it was *really* hard trying to find good reference pictures of someone with a next day-punch.
Which, I think I should remind you of the timeline or give a good idea of what day this is meant to be?
So this is a flashback. This scene of Evina interrogating Timothy is the following day of when she questioned Annie’s parents. I tried to make it obvious with the change of clothes. Each clothing style is set for a specific day.
But anyway, so, his shiner is meant to be basically a day or two old. Which I believe is when the swelling is the worst? But I’m not a swollen-eye-pro lmao so I could be totally wrong.

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