The reverend is ok! In case anyone was curious given that he was right by the casket. He just… walked off to the side and I never showed that happen lol
BTW, next week I’ll be updating on Thursday, I’ll be gone from Monday – Thursday morning so I’ll be back in the late afternoon to update, I’ll be away for my husbun’s birthday (finally getting together after being almost… what? 4 months apart?? I think our last get together was Valentine’s Day, we didn’t even get to celebrate our 3rd year being together physically, but we did play a few games online so that was cool. Quarantine sucked, major props to Military husbands and wives that go through this and a bigger praise to our Military who has to leave home ;-;)
Another color-tine video was made for this page specifically if you’re interested!
And if you want a glimpse of Thursday’s page (next week) which is also the last page of the prologue vote for Hel’s Ferrywomen down below on TWC! 😀
See you next week!! <3