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04-11 published on No Comments on 04-11


04-10 published on No Comments on 04-10

As was suggested last chapter, to provide some more context to how long it’s been since Annie’s turning, I thought it would be perfect to add it here, Evina understands that her coming to talk about what happened so soon must be pretty stressful, but this is just something she has to get done.

BTW ITS THE START OF A NEW MONTH, so whether you vote or become a patron, now is a great day to do so!
SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED 2x/week and possibly about 6 pages ahead of regular scheduling! Also get a chance to look at behind-the-scenes content and vote in polls! All for $2/month!

VOTE for SCORNED on TOPWEBCOMICS! Help SCORNED rise in the rankings to attract new readers! Also, you can get a little preview to a future page!


04-09 published on No Comments on 04-09

Yeah, I can imagine this will be an uncomfortable experience for Annie.

Also I know I was meant to update yesterday but I totally got the days wrong and thought yesterday was Tuesday lol oops, anyway, I hope you’re all having a lovely week so far. I’ll see you all soon!! 🙂
SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED 2x/week and possibly about 6 pages ahead of regular scheduling! Also get a chance to look at behind-the-scenes content and vote in polls! All for $2/month!

VOTE for SCORNED on TOPWEBCOMICS! Help SCORNED rise in the rankings to attract new readers! Also, you can get a little preview to a future page!


04-08 published on No Comments on 04-08

One day Muirne is gonna tip over and not be able to get up lmao I don’t know what happened from chapter 1 to now, but oh well, it’s kind of become a thing for Muirne to be this ridiculous :’D

I definitely know for sure that I want to rework this page for print. The first half is good, but the bottom half is a bit cluttered and I know I could do better.

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED 2x/week and possibly about 6 pages ahead of regular scheduling! Also get a chance to look at behind-the-scenes content and vote in polls! All for $2/month!

VOTE for SCORNED on TOPWEBCOMICS! Help SCORNED rise in the rankings to attract new readers! Also, you can get a little preview to a future page!


04-07 published on No Comments on 04-07

Annie is the kind of girl that asks the awkward/inappropriate questions without realizing lol

Hi all, sorry for the disappearance, I was originally going to take Thanksgiving off and then December off for the holidays to calmly work on SCORNED at my own pace, but a lot happened during December and I just needed more time off. My fur baby and furry companion, Maximus, passed away in December and it was just a heart breaking process. I’m still mourning him and it’s just been painful. I wasn’t able to do anything for quite a bit after losing him. So, I’m trying my best right now to play catch up. Thank you all for your patience.

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED 2x/week and possibly about 6 pages ahead of regular scheduling! Also get a chance to look at behind-the-scenes content and vote in polls! All for $2/month!

VOTE for SCORNED on TOPWEBCOMICS! Help SCORNED rise in the rankings to attract new readers! Also, you can get a little preview to a future page!


04-06 published on No Comments on 04-06

Oooh here we are! Getting into some back story and some juicy deets! I’m sure we’ll hear more about Luuk just like we will about Liulfr!

Also AHHHHH my road test is this week (I forgot if I mentioned it) but I’ve been learning how to drive because I really want to be extremely independent and being able to drive sure would be a GOOD start to it. So, I’m a little nervous but I’m also excited. Let’s hope I don’t do anything dumb and that my parallel parking is good enough to get a pass lol


If you like the story and you’ve got a few bucks to spare, then for $2 or even $1, you can support the comic and get early access to pages AND surprise double updates which are only available for patrons! You also get access to speed paints, bundles/wips and you can have a say in comic stuff when polls come along!
NOW, if you can’t spare anything (which is totally fine!) you can help spread the word around about the comic just by sharing it AND if you wanna take it a step further, please consider voting! It costs nothing and takes up AT MOST a minute of your time! And as a reward you get to see a glimpse into the next page!!


04-05 published on No Comments on 04-05

Oh damn, if Hel’s husband isn’t a daddy then Idk what a daddy is anymore.
side note: this is more clear in the next page, but in case anyone is wondering, that man IS NOT the same as Liulfr. This is a completely different man, in Hel’s biography I do have it listed that she has married a total of two times in her life. This is her second husband. He’ll eventually get a character placement in minor characters! Liulfr is eventually gonna get one too lmao T_T

also I love Muirne so much XD

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got.
If you like the story and you’ve got a few bucks to spare, then for $2 or even $1, you can support the comic and get early access to pages AND surprise double updates which are only available for patrons! You also get access to speed paints, bundles/wips and you can have a say in comic stuff when polls come along!
NOW, if you can’t spare anything (which is totally fine!) you can help spread the word around about the comic just by sharing it AND if you wanna take it a step further, please consider voting! It costs nothing and takes up AT MOST a minute of your time! And as a reward you get to see a glimpse into the next page!!


04-04 published on No Comments on 04-04


04-03 published on No Comments on 04-03

YESSS THE GIRLS ARE BACK IN TOWN lol Hel has received her iconic dress at last!

Sorry for the delay, I’m just always out of it when I get back home from work! But I’ll do my best to update on Halloween, it will be Halloween after  all! ALSO, work will be getting pretty busy around November and December, so I’ll be taking a hiatus for December on both patreon and the site. I just really need a second to gather my thoughts and really get adjusted to my new schedule, I have three comms to finish and I’m currently an inker and a flatter for a comic that isn’t my own. So, I just need some time off.


the usual stuff:
If you like the story and you’ve got a few bucks to spare, then for $2 or even $1, you can support the comic and get early access to pages AND surprise double updates which are only available for patrons! You also get access to speed paints, bundles/wips and you can have a say in comic stuff when polls come along!
NOW, if you can’t spare anything (which is totally fine!) you can help spread the word around about the comic just by sharing it AND if you wanna take it a step further, please consider voting! It costs nothing and takes up AT MOST a minute of your time! And as a reward you get to see a glimpse into the next page!!


04-02 published on No Comments on 04-02

I hope you guys are catching on to what Adam is thinking.

And apparently last week I actually updated Tuesday instead of Monday lmao :’D oops. This is what I mean tho, 10 hour shifts will do that to you. Also, exciting news, so uh – if you didn’t know, I actually don’t know how to drive… BUT Last month I took my permit test and passed and I got my license like last week? So this past week I’ve been practicing with my dad on driving, so far I’ve got a total of maybe six hours of driving? And I’ve already driven on a highway and that is TERRIFYING. I don’t know how people drive. Everyone tells me it just takes time, so I’m counting on that lmao
Regular self promo stuff!
If you like the story and you’ve got a few bucks to spare, then for $2 or even $1, you can support the comic and get early access to pages AND surprise double updates which are only available for patrons! You also get access to speed paints, bundles/wips and you can have a say in comic stuff when polls come along!
NOW, if you can’t spare anything (which is totally fine!) you can help spread the word around about the comic just by sharing it AND if you wanna take it a step further, please consider voting! It costs nothing and takes up AT MOST a minute of your time! And as a reward you get to see a glimpse into the next page!!

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