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04-47 published on No Comments on 04-47

I had to make Hel piece the puzzles together because I realized that I never had Evina publicly/written on page, tell the girls that Annie had a boyfriend… So, yeah, I had to reach deep into everything that was said between Hel and Abraham to make Hel draw this conclusion and give her a good idea and reason for her to go straight to Texas.
This is what happens when you go off script and try to just roll with things but also make the story not drag out as much because patreon is basically on page 60. I think I might actually reach 75-80 pages with chapter 4. It’s insane.

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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04-46 published on No Comments on 04-46

seems like our fav goth girl was only passed out!! With Death standing over her like “ok, u done yet??”

*also, I swear I had colored him a dark blue with blue highlights… my edgy side must have come out and totally darkened him up and I just – didn’t do anything about it lol I’M SORRY*

AND – I’m actually shocked no one was expecting the twist, BUT at the same time, I feel like we didn’t see enough of Kurtis to really assume that, now that I think about it?? Anyway, I’m glad it caught some of you by surprise though! It was indeed meant to be a twist so it worked out! (I was worried it was going to be painfully obvious!)

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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04-45 published on No Comments on 04-45

Okay, raise your hand if you had already assumed that Kurtis is actually Hel’s son….
Here you go. You get a piece of your favorite treat.

I loved working on that panel of Annie and Kurtis, as tragic as it is.
ALSO, just a reminder that there is a discord button to take you to SCORNED’s discord server, it’s very small which is nice, I post wips there, random jokes about SCORNED or music I’m listening to/that I relate to a page. The button is on the right side of the screen!
…Can’t wait to see you guys next week 😉

EDIT: I just noticed that disqus has basically copy and pasted the comment section from last page to this page because of an error I made last week… I’ll try and get that fixed but uh… yeah lol

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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04-44 published on No Comments on 04-44

Full disclosure, I just wasn’t feeling this page, so I didn’t give it much love.
ALSO, yeah, uh, Hel also has a son. Keyword, HAS a son. Anddddd… because my husbun teased me about this, when Hel says “…my son?” it’s not that she forgot about her son, it’s more like “how the heck do YOU know about my son?” I’ll probably change it for print, but for now it’s staying like that lol – I’m really happy to get back into the groove of comic making. It’s been really fun again, I hope you guys enjoy the future pages!
ALSO, I remade a discord server for my comic! It’s a new button on the right side of the screen! With Belladonna’s fat ass on it!

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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04-43 published on No Comments on 04-43


04-42 published on No Comments on 04-42

Hey all! So, I wanted to let you know that for the last few months I’ve been on a journey to improve my health, and on the 26th of June I will be getting surgery.
So, next week I may update early. We’ll see! 

Anyway, wish me luck, please? have a good one!!

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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04-41 published on No Comments on 04-41

Hey! I’m back from vacation (or I’ve been back!) but I’m updating on Sunday one more time *then* I’m gonna try to remind myself to start posting on Thursday again!
I’m kind of trying to just get into the vibe of posting whenever but at least once a week.
I got some sweet stuff from Hershey Park and had so much good food. Honestly, a total blast and I’m lucky to have my husbun <3

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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04-40 published on No Comments on 04-40

Oh, hello Annie. Whatcha doing there? Where are you? Nice double bass there.

Updating early(?) because I’m going away for a few days for my husbun’s birthday! Can’t wait to celebrate it with him!!

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

VOTE for SCORNED on TOPWEBCOMICS! Help SCORNED rise in the rankings to attract new readers! Also, you can get a little preview to a future page!


04-39 published on No Comments on 04-39

Hello! It’s been a bit. I had hit a wall with the writing in the last segment of chapter 4 and just wasn’t sure how to proceed for awhile, but I finally managed to climb over that wall and I’ve been posting again on patreon, FINALLY. There’s like three new pages up there and I’m about to work on the next page.
I’ve been having a good time working on SCORNED. It’s making me happy.
ANYWAY, enjoy!

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

VOTE for SCORNED on TOPWEBCOMICS! Help SCORNED rise in the rankings to attract new readers! Also, you can get a little preview to a future page!


04-38 published on No Comments on 04-38

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