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04-41 published on No Comments on 04-41

Hey! I’m back from vacation (or I’ve been back!) but I’m updating on Sunday one more time *then* I’m gonna try to remind myself to start posting on Thursday again!
I’m kind of trying to just get into the vibe of posting whenever but at least once a week.
I got some sweet stuff from Hershey Park and had so much good food. Honestly, a total blast and I’m lucky to have my husbun <3

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04-40 published on No Comments on 04-40

Oh, hello Annie. Whatcha doing there? Where are you? Nice double bass there.

Updating early(?) because I’m going away for a few days for my husbun’s birthday! Can’t wait to celebrate it with him!!

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04-39 published on No Comments on 04-39

Hello! It’s been a bit. I had hit a wall with the writing in the last segment of chapter 4 and just wasn’t sure how to proceed for awhile, but I finally managed to climb over that wall and I’ve been posting again on patreon, FINALLY. There’s like three new pages up there and I’m about to work on the next page.
I’ve been having a good time working on SCORNED. It’s making me happy.
ANYWAY, enjoy!

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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04-38 published on No Comments on 04-38


04-37 published on No Comments on 04-37

Hi all! Thanks for waiting!
I’ve been a little busy these last few weeks, I’ve had so many doctor appointments, I’ve become a Dungeon Master and I’ve been running a homebrew game every Sunday and then I’ve been trying to pick up my small etsy business of making TTRPG dice and also I’m going to be putting my book services up again out there very soon.
My father has told me yet again he plans to leave to Brazil, (I forgot if I said this) but originally he was meant to go to Brazil last year and just never went, while I did my best to scramble to try and get a full-time job to be able to afford it then after the issues with my back arose I could no longer work that full-time job and I’ve been in Physical Therapy. And then I’m meant to be getting surgery around July so it’s like “really, now you’re planning on going to Brazil?” but it is what it is.
I will most likely forget to update the designated SCORNED day every other week, but trust me, I love this comic, I just have a lot on my mind… and well… in it.

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04-36 published on No Comments on 04-36

Hey! Sorry I forgot to update last week! I was busy with a few things and my dad’s birthday was coming up so I was trying to prepare special meals and what not.

But anyway, now is the perfect time to say that I will be going on a 2 week break! So I’ll see you in April! Thanks for reading!

Oh, also I’m back on Twitter/X, I’m starting again from scratch. You find me with my new handle @alicebethgoth

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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04-35 published on No Comments on 04-35


04-34 published on No Comments on 04-34

Well, Hel, guess you gotta march back home and kick them out, wait no, Death’s death…senses…(?) are tingling.

So, this Sunday that just passed, I held a session 0 for a D&D game I’m going to run and oh man, I am nervous about DMing lol ;-;
but I hope all players will enjoy the game and have fun!

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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04-33 published on No Comments on 04-33

Finally, I wanted to introduce Death properly early on into the comic, but there was never a moment that felt right, here it feels right.

Also, I don’t know how to color wolves, so, have a poorly colored and hardly visible wolf.


SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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04-32 published on No Comments on 04-32

Bye bye Timmy.
When I told someone this was going to happen to Timothy, they said they felt really bad for him and thought it was kind of messed up and I don’t know what to say besides… he should have done better? Like I said previously, there were so many ways that he could have gone about this. He could have told his mom, he could have told Annie, heck, he could have told Kurtis about this and given Kurtis’s reaction in Timothy’s memory, yeah, Kurtis would have had Timothy’s back and respect. But, nope. He didn’t do anything. He just – listened and did what Brody told him to.
Anyway. This comic is about vengeful justice and suffering consequences of poor choices and actions. Enjoy 😀

SCORNED is available on PATREON, get a chance to view SCORNED ahead of schedule with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT tier.

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