Angles, perspective, it’s all hard. Especially if you’re adding in backgrounds too. Didn’t help that this was the page that I inked and flatted while on my mini vacation 2 weeks ago… y’know, before my tablet got frick frack’d in the butt. Which btw, if you don’t know, my tablet got frick frack’d in the butt, but guess what??? My husbun surprised me with a new tablet ;-; he got me the mobile studio pro (the one I was going to buy once I saved up enough) and I’m so excited!! He’s gonna be dropping it off today and I am soooo excited to set it up!! I’ll definitely take pics and show you guys next update after it’s all ready!! :] – I suspect I’m gonna have to do a lot with it before officially using it, such as setting up CSP there, transferring files, etc.
Also I’m going to be re-opening my shop soon but with my own official site for it! So there’s no middle man 🙂 it’ll all be coming directly from me with custom packaging and thank you notes!! I’m hoping by October it’ll be completely set up, but we’ll see. I kind of recently forgot how to code and set up websites so I’m struggling a bit right now XD
I do have some HF merch coming in 😉 stay tuned.
If you wanna catch a glimpse into the future and see next week’s page please go ahead on vote for Hel’s Ferrywomen on TopWebcomics!!