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00-10 published on No Comments on 00-10

Happy Tuesday, my dudes! I hope your Memorial Day weekend was good and you got to spend it with family and loved ones through either a screen or whatever means you could find.
Thank you to those who fought bravely in battle, your courage and strength is appreciated by many and thank you to those who died protecting their country, you will not be forgotten. <3

When I imagined a ghoul the first thing that came to mind were The Witcher’s ghouls but uh, I wanted mine to look more like zombies that were just strong and more… put together?
Because we all know zombies be falling apart everywhere over time. D:

If you’re interested in seeing the coloring process of this page then you can watch it here:

I try to remind myself to make these videos public every Monday/Tuesday and Thursday. There’ a playlist here:
COLOR-TINE PLAYLIST – be warned, the BG music is VERY borinngggg.

BTW, thank you to those who joined the discord. It was a nice surprise. <3
ALRIGHT, see you Thursday!! 😀


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